
Monday, June 23, 2014

Boston Water Makes Boston Better

One thing I really love about Boston is its balance. Its population is about 7.7% the size of New York City's population, and geographically, it's about 1/6 the size of the Big Apple. So it's smallish, but compared to many cities, it's not small at all--and on my morning commute, it's certainly a bustling place! It's also a lovely, charming mix of modern and historical. It has a distinctly historic feeling to it--scattered throughout are traces, both architecturally, artistically, and culturally, of Boston's exciting and patriotic history.

One of my favorite examples of this can be found in our famously dirty water--or rather, sailing on top of it. We have boats, and they're beautiful! Here's a picture of one of the Liberty Fleet's tall ships, that gives tours every day in the summer around the harbor:
The office I'm in this week is located right along the harbor, so every day I walk by the Boston Tea Party Museum, which has two beautiful replica ships from the famous event. The little museum plays trilling flute music and employs men and women to stand outside, dressed in Revolutionary-era clothing. It makes me smile every time! Boston wouldn't be the same without its history, and I'm glad someone is keeping it alive.

So next time you're in town, keep an eye out for our boats--or maybe even go for a sail!


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